One of the biggest threats to the dairy industry today is not what you would think. It’s not pricing or regulations, and believe it or not, it is not even White House politics
If you do what you love for a living, you’ll never work a day in your life. I have seen that sentiment written often, especially recently. Maybe because it is graduation time and there is so much...
It doesn't really feel like spring has truly arrived yet. Here in the Northwest, we just enjoyed one of the wettest weeks of weather in a long time while the Midwest and East dealt with yet another dose...
We have been taught there are steps to follow when milking a cow. Books have been written about protocols in the parlor . . . but do they always get followed?
We finally placed two robots in our new main robot barn this week. A little over two years ago at the Western Dairy Management Conference, I was sitting at a table talking to two dairymen from Wisconsin
“I stick to plant-based products because it’s safer.” “Almond milk is way healthier for you.” “I choose soy because it doesn’t have antibiotics in it.”
More than 100 contestants from across the United States and Canada will fill the World Dairy Expo showring to evaluate twelve classes of dairy cattle as part of the postsecondary and intercollegiate dairy...
Personally, I love the word “sustainability” because it can be a great description of what dairy farming is, but I do think it is a word that is hard to understand if not put into context
As someone who didn’t grow up on a farm or have any direct ties to farming for most of my life, I often find myself feeling a bit jealous of those who can return home to their family farm